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Bolt Cutters CLY 930 TP 1200

/ uploads/specialistinstallationtools/boltcutterstp12004200

Call: +44 (0) 1234 855 855 to order

Made from the highest quality materials, these Bolt Cutters have adjustable blades for easy use. Lightweight Japanese construction ensures long reliable life.

Part No. Size (length) Cut Ø Weight
CLY 930 TP-1200 12"/300mm 5mm/td> 0.5kg
CLY 930 TP-1800 18"/450mm 8mm/td> 1.0kg
CLY 930 TP-2400 24"/600mm 10mm/td> 2.9kg
CLY 930 TP-3000 30"/750mm 12mm/td> 3.8kg
CLY 930 TP-3600 36"/900mm 15mm/td> 4.7kg
CLY 930 TP-4200 42"/1050mm 15mm/td> 5.6kg

Get in touch with Clydesdale for more information
