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Greenjacket Precise Fit CLY 976 GJ

Greenjacket Precise Fit

Call: +44 (0) 1234 855 855 to order

Greenjacket is a precise-fit turnkey solution that offers the best product for high risk substations where the substation is either a critical use station or has a history of persistent contacts regardless of attempts to use alternate wildlife guards and covers. A critical use station would be defined as a substation that feeds an airport, a manufacturing plant, a hospital, a nuclear station, a data center, a dense population area or another critical customer. A critical use substation can not tolerate the risk of a power outage and is best served to select the Greenjacket solution.

Greenjacket is a precise-fit custom made-to-order product that has an exacting fit to within 1/8th of an inch accuracy to the underlying equipment. The precise-fit is what differentiates Greenjacket and makes it the gold standard for wildlife mitigation. The exacting fit is achieved through a team of linemen who image customer substation equipment; designers who plot the equipment and design the cover; a patented made-to-order manufacturing process and shipping in a turnkey boxed solution complete with a Site Protection Plan for installation. Only Greenjacket, because of it’s made to order process and manufacturing, can make virtually any type of cover. Greenjacket has made over 1500 molds for unique covers that is has designed for customer installations. The Greenjacket material is a fast set polymer that meets specific test criteria of the IEEE 1656-2010 Guide.


Get in touch with Clydesdale for more information
